There are some foods that humans love but are not good for dogs to eat. As pet parents, we want to make sure that what we feed our dogs is healthy and safe. Sometimes something healthy for humans can surprisingly be harmful to dogs.
Several foods should always be avoided for dogs and others can be eaten only in moderation. Below is a list of common foods that dogs should avoid eating even in small amounts.
Onions and garlic: Both onions and garlic are part of the allium family of vegetables. These are all toxic for dogs, especially garlic. This is due to N-propyl disulfide which is toxic to dogs. When a dog eats onions, N-propyl disulfide attacks the dog’s red blood cells. This then causes the blood cells to die much sooner than their normal life lasts.
As a result, these cells are then broken down very quickly, and the bone marrow cannot keep producing more cells to keep up with this new rate of deterioration, resulting in a deficiency of red blood cells. It is best that you keep your dog away from onions or garlic.
Raw potatoes: Dogs can eat cooked potatoes but not raw potatoes. Raw potatoes contain higher levels of solanine which is not good for dogs to consume. If consumed, this can cause them to get sick. You may want to make sure any potatoes that you plan to feed your dog are cooked before you feed your dog.
Avocados: These contain a fungicidal toxin called persin. Though some dogs can resist this toxin, it can still be very harmful in large doses. It is best is to avoid feeding your dog avocados since some dogs are more sensitive than others.
Chocolate: Chocolate can act as a stimulant that is harmful to dogs. Chocolate also contains methylxanthines which can stop a dog’s metabolic process. Consuming any amount of chocolate can make a dog sick. If a dog consumes a large amount of chocolate, this can result in causing seizures, and irregular heart function.
Cinnamon: Cinnamon is not usually toxic to dogs, but it can cause irritation inside their mouths and even make them sick. For this reason, it is recommended that if you feed your dog cinnamon you do so in smaller amounts.
Grapes and raisins: It is not as of yet known why, but grapes and raisins are very toxic to dogs. For this reason, it is best not to feed grapes or raisins to your dog at all. Even a small amount of these can cause your dogs to become sick and sluggish.
Peaches and plums: Though many fresh fruits are good for dogs to eat, peaches and plums are dangerous for dogs. This is due to their pits or seeds being a toxic hazard. The seeds can cause problems within your dog’s small intestine. There is also cyanide in the pits of both plums and peaches and this is toxic to both dogs and humans. For these reasons, it may be best not to feed plums or peaches to your dog at all.
Various raw foods: Though it may be tempting to feed your dog some raw fish, egg, or raw meat, this can be very harmful to them. All these raw foods contain bacteria such as E. coli. Raw food can result in your dog getting food poisoning from E. coli and other bacteria. Be sure to feed your dog fish, meat, and eggs that have been properly cooked to avoid the bacteria.
Salt: Though your dog can eat salt, it is best to not feed them salty foods in excess. Too much salt may result in your dog becoming severely dehydrated. Salt in excess can also cause salt intoxication or salt poisoning.
Nuts: Various nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and pecans can cause dogs to have diarrhea due to the nut’s high-fat content. Nuts also usually contain a high level of salt. A few kinds of nuts can be eaten by dogs, but you may want to avoid them all to be safe.
Tomatoes: Though ripe tomatoes are generally safe for dogs to eat, you may want to be careful when feeding them to your dog. Tomatoes are in the nightshade family of vegetables, which means that they contain a few components that are harmful to dogs, including solanine. The substance solanine is found in the stem and leaves of the tomato and is harmful to dogs if consumed in large quantities. If you want to feed your dog tomatoes, make sure that they do not eat the stem or leaves.
Caffeine: Like chocolate, caffeine is a stimulant. Dogs are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than people. Coffee in a small amount should not harm your dog, but if your dog swallows too much he or she could be in trouble. You may want to make sure that your dog does not drink any liquids that contain any amounts of caffeine.
Bones: This one may come as a surprise. In cartoons, tv, and movies it seems that dogs are always chewing on bones, however, bones can be very harmful to dogs for several reasons. While chewing on a bone, your dog may damage it’s teeth on the hard parts of the bone.
If a bone or part of the bone is swallowed whole, there is a chance that your dog can choke on it. If the bone splits into smaller pieces, these pieces could cause digestive problems for your dog.
If you would like to give your dog a bone replacement, there are many chew toys that look like bones and even a few dog treats, too!
Bacon: Although your dog might enjoy the taste of bacon, it contains a lot of fat which can be harmful to dogs. This fat can lead to pancreatitis in dogs, as well as clog their arteries. There is a healthier option that your dog may enjoy. Instead of feeding them the bacon that you made as part of your breakfast, you may want to feed them dog food that has a bacon flavor.
Signs of poisoning: There are several signs to look for if by chance your dog ends up eating something that may be toxic. As a pet parent, it is important to know these signs to ensure they are treated properly.
- Change in pulse, increased or weak.
- Staggering.
- Anemia.
- Increased respiratory rate.
- Lethargic behavior.
- Pale gums.
- Dark red-brown urine.
Although their health might not be greatly at risk, it is best if your dog is exhibiting any of these symptoms to contact your local veterinarian immediately.
Your dog’s diet has a large impact on their overall health. Feeding them the proper foods is a contributing factor to making sure that they live a nice long and healthy life.
If you have any comments, please feel free to contact us by phone at 412-824-0092 or email us at belovedpetservices@gmail.com.
For more information about our services, please visit https://www.belovedpetservices.com